The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham: Islam and the Future of Money (Special Edition)
This edited version of 'The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham: Islam and the Future of Money' offers new insights into the subject and directs attention to a counter strategy that requires urgent implementation. Two years after the first edition of this book was published, we recognized that Isreael will eventually mint gold and silver coins and use them as money.
Electronic money has already replaced paper currencies for all but micro-financial transactions. Major banks and financial institutions around the world declare themselves to be on the verge of collapese and are then rewarded with monumental State-funded bail-outs that make them even better equipped to impose a financial dictatorship upon the world.
About the Author:
Sheikh Imran N.Hosein studied Islam at the Aleemiyah Institude of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan under the guidance of distinguised Islamic scholar and Sufi Saikh, Maulana Dr.Muhammad Fadlur Rahmaan Ansari, and graduated from the Institute in 1971. He studied Philosophy at the University of Karachi and Internation Relations (including international monetary economics) at the Institute of International Relations of the University of West Indies and at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.