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- Our Story so far 我们的故事 deals with investment grade Silver and Gold bullion in Malaysia. Providing excellent service with the extra mile and honest pricing is our promise. We believe in creating values and preserving wealth, by holding real physical assets; because mass money printing is toxic. offers globally recognised Silver and Gold Branded bullions; in bars, rounds and coins format. We do offer various accessories complementing to the items we carry. We import our products directly from source. We are official distributor for Perth Mint, Engelhard and Scottsdale Mint in Malaysia. Our most recognizable brands in the world include PAMP Suisse, Perth Mint, The Royal Mint, Royal Canadian Mint, Engelhard, Scottsdale Silver, Asahi, Johnson Matthey, Sunshine Mint, US Mint and etc.

In September 2016 we have been honoured winning the Malaysia Top Business Excellence Award held at The Wembley - A St Giles Hotel Penang. On the following year in September 2017 we are officially accredited as an official IPM (investment grade precious metal) importer by Royal Custom Malaysia.

With over 80 different Silver & Gold products offering, is the leading precious metal store brand in the region. A wide range of London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) approved products, 0.5 oz to 100oz are available at attractive prices from RM35 - RM180,000. Each of its products is accompanied by an official receipt which allows customers to engage our BuyBack Trading service in the future. Log on and see the various design collections, including the Chinese Panda, Canadian Wildlife Series, Perth Mint Lunar Series, PAMP seasonal series and Dinar Dirham. 在马来西亚零售具有投资等级的999纯金/银产品。我们承诺为顾客提供卓越的服务及合理的价格。 我们相信若想要创造价值及恒守财富,拥有实质资产是可行途径,因为实质资产才是对财富的最佳保障。 提供全球知名999纯金/银品牌产品;而这些产品则以不同的方式呈现,包括:条状的,圆形的,及硬币的形式。 此外,我们也提供顾客各种周边产品使得顾客所购买的999纯金/银产品能够得到更好的保存。我们直接向铸造厂商进口所售卖的产品。 同时在马来西亚,我们也是Scottsdale/ Engelhard/ Perth Mint的正式分销商。 我们最具有全球知名度的品牌包括:Pamp Suisse, Perth Mint, Engelhard, Scottsdale Silver, Asahi, Johnson Matthey, RMC Metal, Sunshine Mint, US Mint, Royal Canadian Mint 等等。

在2016年9月,我们荣获获得了马来西亚顶级商业卓越奖。在接下来的一年2017年9月,我们被Royal Custom Malaysia正式认可为IPM (投资级贵金属)官方进口商。凭借提供超过80余样999纯金/银产品,BuySilverMalaysia.com已是全马具有领导性的贵金属零售商。 所售卖的是已被伦敦金银市场协会所批准的各式产品,售卖范围从0.5盎司至100盎司且价格具备吸引力即从RM35至RM180,000左右。 顾客在购买时将获得一张正式收据,这是为了让顾客在未来能享有我们所提供的999金/银回收服务。顾客可登录我们的商网浏览各式各样具有收 藏等级的产品,其中包括:中国熊猫系列(Chinese Panda),野生动物系列(Canadian Wildlife Series),生肖系列(Perth Mint Lunar Series / Pamp Seasonal Series),第纳尔 (Dinar),迪拉姆(Dirham)等。

Beginning October 2012, our Show Room begins its operation to complement our virtual office. Facilities such as self collection, precious metal testing and educational hub are made available. customers can obtain news and exclusive offers through our FB. We include news articles and educational information in every issue. Visit here for more details. and, are proud members of the Rolling Silver Holdings Sdn. Bhd. family. Our Head Office is located in IOI Boulevard Puchong, Selangor.

Our story have been featured by Personal Money Magazine publiched by The Edge in Sept 2013 under First Person Finance - Silver Fever.

自2012年10月起,我们的办事处设立了多功能展示间以辅助顾客的需求,服务包括提高顾客取货的安全性,测试999纯金/银产品纯度,以及提供顾客一个咨询的平台。 的顾客能通过我们的业务通讯页获得最新消息及独家促销资讯。相关新闻文章, 及富有教育性的相关资讯都能通过我们的业务通讯页获得。请点击此处 以获更多详情。 及 InvestSilverMalaysia.com是属Rolling Silver Holdings Sdn. Bhd. 旗下的 商网。 我们的办事处坐落在雪兰莪州蒲种区的IOI Boulevard。

我们的故事于2013年9月刊登在The Edge-Personal Money杂志。

It gives us pride in bringing 'Precious' in to Precious Metal

Always approachable and striving to provide the best to our customer in Silver Bullion investment.

Social Responsibilities

- Giving back...

Society gave us the essentials of life. Now it's time to give back. Here are some programs that supports and hold strong in values.

取之社会,用之社会,以下的活动是 BuySilverMalaysia.com所积极支持及响应的。

30-hour famine (21-22th July 2018)

The World Vision 30-Hour Famine is a global movement against hunger and poverty, where participants go without food or something they love for 30 consecutive hours and raise funds through family and friends.

In Malaysia, the 30-hour famine has been held every year since 1997. From its humble beginnings, it has grown into Malaysia’s largest annual fundraising cum advocacy campaign. Today, participants from across Malaysia are trained to organize and lead their own Famine DIY Camps at any day, time and venue of their choice. is proud to be one of the corporate sponsor for this incredible event.

Raleigh Round Island Challenge

Youth Capacity Empowerment 青年才能培养

Raleigh Round Island Challenge is a fundraising project by Raleigh Kuala Lumpur. 56 participants successfully swam 56km around Pulau Perhentian in May 2013. Raising funds to empower youths and capacity building by working on Adventure, Community and Environment projects sites around the world. is proud to be a partner of this amazing challenge.

Raleigh 环岛挑战是一个由Raleigh Kuala Lumpur主办的活动。共56名参与者于2013年五月成功环绕Pulau Perhentian游了56公里, 目的是为了通过一系列的冒险活动,社区活动,及环境课题替青少年筹款及培养才能。 很荣幸的成为这项公益活动的合作伙伴。

To many, these are just massive blue barrels. But to the people in rural Borneo living off polluted river water, these are gateways to a healthy life, the answers to their prayers. Raleigh Kuala Lumpur works with young people to provide clean water to the needy. And is glad to be able to support their cause.

对于多数人而言,这只不过是很多的蓝桶而已。但是对于居住在婆罗洲乡村区一带长期饱受河流污染的居民而言,蓝桶是用于储存洁净水的救济品, 这绝对是一个引向健康生活的途径。Releigh Kuala Lumpur通过与青年的合作为需要的人带来了干净的水源。BuySilverMalaysia.com很高兴能够有机会支持这项活动。

- Environment Sustainability Responsibility 良好环境永续性的责任

Being a organization dealing with products from the earth, we acknowledge our role in preserving the Environment and its Sustainability, for our future generations. We take extra effort in making our operations as low impact to our planet, with lower carbon emissions and promote recycling.


We have successfully improved our packaging materials to 90% paper-based, reducing the usage of plastic linings. Our improved packaging method also helped customers to recycle effortlessly.


A big part of our operation is online, thus selecting an efficient, eco-friendly, low energy usage and low carbon footprint IT solution partner is crucial. Our server is also a certified "Green Server".


Testimonials 真实呈现顾客的售后表扬

What people say about Rolling Silver?

While we can say all the best description about us, it is best to leave this job to our customers and people who know us in person. Read on what people say about us by clicking here: Testimonials.

我们的顾客就是我们最好的表现记录。您可在此参阅顾客所给予的售后反应: 开始参阅